
Is a cosmetic procedure for treating nails on the fingers and the fingers themselves, or even the entire hand. It can include:

• Hand massage;

• Baths for the skin of hands and nails;

• Nail care, polishing, shaping;

• Decorating nails with varnish, rhinestones, etc.;

• Extension of nails.

We will consider how to open your nail salon and what is needed for this, what equipment.

Which institutions provide manicure services?

Here are some tips for a nail salon business plan:

Beauty salon

This option implies the provision of a wide range of services. In addition to manicure and pedicure, beauty salons, piercings, hair lamination, and eyelash extensions are usually also performed. As a rule, the list of salon services expands annually. The startup costs, in this case, will be severe. In beauty salons, masters of a comprehensive profile should work. Their prices for services are higher than in nail bars. For the demand for salon services to be high, it is necessary to create an image for the establishment and increase the number of regular customers. The payback period for beauty salons is longer than, for example, for manicure rooms. To get an appointment with the master in the salon, you must make an appointment with him in advance.The disadvantage of such establishments is that it is their masters who create the image of the salon. The master leaves the salon - his regular clients go after him.

Nail bar

This business option is less expensive than a beauty salon. Nail bars do not require renting a large area, as they open directly within shopping centers. To get a manicure, you do not need to make an appointment with a nail bar master since there are no queues. The range of services provided by such organizations is limited. Instead of a full-fledged workplace, the nail bar specialist is limited to a mini-counter. In this case, a manicure is done in plain sight (this psychological factor oppresses many). Moreover, this business cannot be expanded. For those who decide to use nail bars' services, the desire to get a manicure is not pre-planned, but more often than not - impulsive and spontaneous.

Nail salon

This business option has a considerable number of advantages. It does not require large investments, quickly pays off, is easy to organize, and does not require collecting a large package of documentation. The founder of a nail salon does not need to recruit a staff of hairdressers and other narrow-profile specialists in addition to manicure masters. A standard set of manicure services is provided here. There is only one drawback at a nail salon - problems with expansion may arise.

Office at home

You can receive clients at home, for example, in a room allocated for this, or go to a client. More on this at the bottom of the article.

Room requirements

When choosing a room in which a nail salon will be opened, one should rely on regulations. They demand:

• allocation of an area of at least 6 square meters to one master;

• the presence of a ventilation system, sewerage in the room;

• availability of hot water and heating; 3-meter high ceilings;

• availability of an emergency exit;

• the company of a sterilizer and a sink for hand washing in the salon;

• the presence of disinfecting drugs that will be used to treat clients' nails;

• a medical examination by manicure masters every six months;

• The company in the salon of such furniture that will easily give in to the necessary sanitization.

Regulatory rules prohibit manicure and similar services to choose basements for doing business.

Services to be offered

A nail salon should provide a standard set of services. Namely:

• classic manicure;

• hygienic manicure;

• children's manicure;

• quick manicure;

• building up nail plates with acrylic (or gel);

• removal of nails extended with gel or acrylic;

• modeling of nail plates;

• paraffin therapy;

• covering the nail plates with medicinal varnish;

• hardware pedicure;

• Relaxing foot bath.

Choice of location

A right place can be considered:

• in an area where a large number of offices are concentrated;

• in residential areas of the city in well-busy streets;

• near large shopping centers;

• Near fitness centers (or sports complexes).

Salon layout

The salon must have:

• the working room where services are provided;

• a waiting room were chairs, a TV set, a wardrobe for visitors' clothes are required (an alternative is a hanger);

• Space where workers will rest and eat (it must be. Otherwise, the level of productivity of workers will decrease);

• Restroom.

Personnel, advertising, and promotion

The demand for nail salon services will depend on the professionalism of the masters. Therefore, when recruiting personnel, it makes sense to choose experienced specialists with extensive experience. Not every startup can afford a powerful ad campaign. However, the ad must be good. To do this, it is worth before starting work and in the first 30-90 days of the manicure office:

• distribute leaflets and flyers (distribute them in the passages, near the nearby metro station);

• to offer the first customers profitable bonus programs;

• make a bright sign;

• negotiate with nearby shops so that advertising brochures and leaflets advertising the salon are placed on advertising tables in their establishments;

• carry out SMS-mailing;

• Create a group on social networks, try to promote it, for example, through contests.

You can find the first clients of the salon among your friends on social networks. To do this, publish an ad on your page. Permanent advertising of the salon should also be carried out. This implies:

• holiday promotions;

• an advertising description of the salon's activities in popular social networks (periodic drawing in social networks for a one-time opportunity for a free manicure);

• sending congratulatory SMS; organizing promotions on local radio;

• Advertising in various free publications.

The nail salon should have a portfolio in which photos of the finished works of the masters will be placed. Near each workplace of a specialist, certificates and official diplomas of employees, and photographs of their participation in various competitions should be placed on the walls.


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