Juice Bar business: how to open a fresh bar

As you know, today, a healthy lifestyle has become one of the most relevant clothing trends. More and more people are starting to engage in fitness and refuse fast food and other products that are of little use and even harmful to the body. In this sense, freshly squeezed juices, or fresh ones, have become very popular. Therefore, people who monitor their health are already taking a cautious look at packaged drinks sold in stores. Given this trend, it is possible to build a very profitable business that sells freshly squeezed juices. Moreover, the competition in this segment is not yet so high, and the profitability of such a business is quite high. We will talk about developing a business plan for the fresh bar and bringing it to life today.

Fresh juices for sale business history

The idea of fresh bars came to us from America, where the first institutions of this kind appeared in the 90s of the last century, unlike the many fast foods invented there. Thus, entrepreneurs contrasted tasty and healthy juices with harmful and obesity-based drinks and foods. Fresh bars came to us in the early 2000s and immediately began to gain popularity quickly.

Registration of the necessary documentation

If you want to start a bar company focused on freshly squeezed juices, registering as an independent entrepreneur would be the simplest. If the business grows rapidly or intends to start a business with a partner and co-founder, it makes sense to choose a limited liability company. Prepare for the recording to take some time (usually about a month). The fresh bar's business plan should also include obtaining permits from the health and epidemiological station and the fire service. The sophistication of this method will depend on where your point is located. So, in a big shopping and entertainment center, if you arrange a bar, you would most likely be able to complete all the formalities in a short time. Indeed, when such an object is put into operation, as a rule,the possibility of opening points for the sale of beverages is provided for immediately, for which the administration must have the appropriate permits.

How to open a fresh bar: business features

The main question asked by the "social supporters" initially is the need to find out: does it make sense to open a separate outlet, or is it better to organize an entire network simultaneously? Expert opinions in this regard differ. So, some people think that if you are lucky enough to run a fresh bar, it is possible to pass with a point. Others are convinced that it is necessary to start exclusively with a network of at least three locations that sell freshly squeezed juices. In this regard, when preparing a business plan for a new bar, a future entrepreneur must independently make this decision, which, incidentally, will be largely determined by the size of his initial capital.

Choosing the location for the socket location

Because such products are not cheap and not everyone can afford freshly squeezed juices and cocktails, the fresh bar should be located near expensive shops and fitness clubs. Besides, we recommend looking at supermarkets and shopping malls, as well as water parks. Of course, renting retail space in such units is expensive. But because your point will consist of a single bar, you will need no more than 5-6 square meters near the wall. Moreover, experts recommend organizing a point of a square and not elongated. The seller would find it much more convenient to operate in such an environment.

Fresh bar décor

Once you decide the location, you should pay close attention to the design of the outlet. Indeed, for a potential customer to pay attention to it, it is necessary to arrange it in an attractive, bright, and original style. In this sense, developing a creative idea for a bar should become an integral part of your business plan.


Specialists in this case claim that the best-selling juices of grapefruit, pineapple, oranges, and carrots. In this case, the undisputed leader is fresh orange. Generally, in the initial phase, it is recommended to include at least seven items in the assortment of your bar: three citrus juices (orange, tangerine, and grapefruit), as well as apple, pear, carrot, and beet.

For an effective juice shop business plan, you can contact MB plans they are the best in their services 


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